The Cup of God’s Wrath (Jeremiah 25: 15–38)
Jeremiah 1-20 Approaching Judgment
Jeremiah 21-45 Living in the Midst of God’s Judgment
Jeremiah 46-52 Oracles (revelation from God) of International Judgment
Through Jeremiah, God is proclaiming a war caused by the “cup of God’s wrath” that will bring death and destruction among the nations. The cup of wrath sent by God in the Old Testament continues right over into the New Testament. In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus took the cup and drank it for us (Matthew 26:39).
What is your feeling/opinion of the natural disasters and war happening around us?
Some responses from MUNCHERS: Sad, Scared, etc...
Personal reflection on the character of God:
Some responses from MUNCHERS: Justice, Merciful, etc...
Character of “the God of the Old Testament”: Just, Jealous, Encouraging, Patient, Forgiving, etc...
Character of “the God of the New Testament”: Love, Merciful, Kind, Strict, Fatherly
So does God change? (Hebrews 13:8)
This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, said to me: “Take from my hand this cup filled with the wine of my wrath and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. Jeremiah 25:15
Wine of my wrath: Intoxicating wine is often mentioned in Scripture to signify God’s wrath- His JUSTIFIED ANGER and JUDGMENT. (Jer. 49:12, Job 21:20, Ps. 60:3, Rev. 14:10)
What was God’s initial commission given to Jeremiah? (Jeremiah 1: 9-19)
Jeremiah was called to be a PROPHET to the NATIONS, to “UP ROOT and TEAR DOWN”. As he proclaimed God’s judgment against Judah and the nations, he was fulfilling his call.
Why does God mention the extensive list of nations in Jeremiah 25:18-26 one by one?
Mentioning nations by nations expresses the message that this was an EXTENSIVE and COMPREHENSIVE judgment.
Jeremiah 25: 30-33 emphasizes the sound of war.
The sight and sounds of war reflects the LAST battle not between the NATIONS but between GOD and the HUMAN RACE.
Is God a cruel God?
God had used Jeremiah to speak truth to Judah.
Recall the previous chapters:
Chapter 1 (Hearing God’s Call, Jeremiah 1)
Chapter 2 (Empty Religion in the Lord’s Temple, Jeremiah 7:1-29)
Chapter 3 (The Belt of Commitment, Jeremiah 13: 1-17)
Chapter 4 (Shaped by the Potter, Jeremiah 18:1-17)
Chapter 5 (The Righteous Branch, Jeremiah 23:1-24)
Chapter 6 (Good Figs- A Heart to Know God, Jeremiah 24)
Case for Faith… 2 Peter 3:9 (
INCUBATION PERIOD. The reason for the Lord’s seeming delay in returning for His people is for His great patience and compassion. God wants everyone to hear the life-saving message of Christ and does not want anyone to be spiritually lost and eternally condemned to separation from God. However, if a person rejects God’s gracious invitation of forgiveness and eternal life with Him, then he or she remains spiritually lost.)
Prayer Items:
- Flood in Australia, Brazil, Sri Lanka
- The earthquake in Pakistan and other areas.
- Pray for God’s mercy. May those affected by the massive floods begin to rebuild their lives and also for God’s comfort for those who have lost their loved ones.
- For continuing movement towards peace talks between North and South Korea
- Pray for the government that God will always be watching over the leadership of this nation and that He will raise a team of men & women who will lead this country to fulfill all that He had purposed for her in this region & beyond.